"GeeGee recommended LPs this month include Paul Revere & Raiders (Featuring Mark Lindsay) Greatest Hits -- which includes a gorgeous free color picture brochure and liner notes written by our own Gloria -- on Columbia; also on Columbia is The Best of Bob Dylan and this great album includes a free psyched-out wild DYLAN poster); Blues Magoos Electric Comic Book on Mercury; Aretha Franklin's I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love You on Atlantic and Mitch Ryder's Sock It To Me on New Voice.
England's BEE GEES are the great new thing to watch out for! They may very well take the states by storm. Their first single is The New York Mining Disaster and they are on Atlantic -- stay alert! ... Am also clue-ing you in to ENGLEBERT HUMPERDINCK on Parrot, BRUTE FORCE on Columbia, PEACHES & HERB on Date, the NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND on Liberty, VINNIE BASILE on Davy Jones Records -- and a charming ring-a-ding duo on Reprise called FRANK & NANCY somebodyorother.
By the time you read this, BOB DYLAN will be back with us. At least, if my dreams come true -- he will. Meanwhile, do like the SEEDS say and become a "flower child". Show Love.